Total lipid acid composition in the liver and growth of carps under feeding different qualites of zink in ration
M. I. Khrabko, J. F. Rivis
Zinc content in the liver of carps of research groups, which were fed additional amount of mineral elements, was higher. In the liver of carps of research groups, given fodder with additional amount of zinc, due to intense, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids have a tendency to increase the content of fatty acids. The level of monounsaturated fatty acids tends to decrease. In the liver of carps of research groups there was a tendency to increase ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acid family of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to n-6 family. However, in carp's liver of research groups' intensity of transformations of linolenic acid is higher, and, especially, in the linolic acid, in to their more long chains and more unsaturated derivatives.
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