Institute of animal biology UAAS ÃîëîâíàÊîíòàêòíà ³íôîðìàö³ÿ
in Ukrainian

New sources of energy, protein and mineral substances in diets for replacement heifers

V. F. Radchikov, N. V. Kurtina, A. N. Kot, E. P. Simonenko

It is determined that feeding heifers with biological vitamin and mineral supplement (BVMS), containing rape, lupine and mineral and vitamin supplement based on halite, phosphor-gypsum, phosphate, sapropel and premix in the amount of 20-25 % on mass of mixed feed instead of sunflower cake, within the diet with green mass made of cereal-legumes mixture of 56-57 %, mixed feed - 36-37 %, treacle - 6-7 % is of a positive effect on nutritional value and feeds intake, rumen digestibility indices, morphological and bio-chemical blood content? And allows to obtain the average daily weight gain of 827-812 g with forage spends per 1 c of weigh gain of 7,0-7,2 c forage units. Implementation of feed supplement in diets for animals allows to decrease prime cost of mixed feeds at 12-15 %, and prime cost of 1 c of weigh gain - at 11-13 %. The profit of prime cost decrease of 1 c of weight gain is increased at 7-10 %.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
¹ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
¹ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
¹ 1-2, 2008

Animal biology Tom 11,
¹ 1-2, 2009

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 1, 2010

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 2, 2010

Author rules

Secientific-technical bulletin

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 10, ¹1-2, 2009

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹1, 2010

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹2-3, 2010

Author rules
