Peculiarities of the protein metabolism in pigs under the influence of fermented fodder additions
V. F. Kovalenko, O. A. Bindiyg, S. G. Zinoviev
The total quantity of protein and its fractions and an activity of aminotransferases in the blood of young pigs at the action of foods that included fodder additions that were fermented by microbiological preparations "Baikal" EM 1 U and EM-A was studied. The dynamics of a protein content and its fractions in a blood serum according to the age of animals and the factor of feeding were determined. The significant progress in the exchange of proteins was not found. The quantity of blood protein and their qualitative composition were depended more on the age of animals than on the composition of rations of feeding. The prepared fodder additions under conditions of using of effective microorganism in quantity 5 % from the basic mass of a ration were fed to young pigs on the rearing and the fattening. It furthered the reduction of total quantity of globulins in I and II research groups. Globulins ?2- and ?-were the most sensitive to the conditions of feeding pigs: the contain of
the first was reliably less in the blood of research animals in the end of research period and the contains of the second was accordingly more then in a control group. The contain of ?-globulins in blood of pigs in the first research group was lower than in the control during all periods of an experiments but it was almost on the same level with the control in the second group.
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