Institute of animal biology UAAS ÃîëîâíàÊîíòàêòíà ³íôîðìàö³ÿ
in Ukrainian

Efficiency and physiological condition of bull-calves at feeding dry distillers grain (DDG) diets

V. K. Gurin, G. N. Radchikova, T. L. Sapsaleva, S. V. Serguchev

It was determined that feeding bull-calves with DDG with complex mineral supplement (KMD) favors activation of metabolic processes in organism of animals, which is proved by the increase of general and protein nitrogen level in blood by 8 and 7 %, urine level decrease - by 25 %. The tendency of calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, copper, zinc and magnesium level increase was determined. Usage of DDG in the amount of 33 % in a mixed fodder for meat calves allows to increase the average daily weigh gains by 10 %, decreases the prime cost of live weight gain by 10-11 % and obtain extra profit calculated per 1 animal in one experiment 5-10 % higher.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
¹ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
¹ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
¹ 1-2, 2008

Animal biology Tom 11,
¹ 1-2, 2009

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 1, 2010

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 2, 2010

Author rules

Secientific-technical bulletin

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 10, ¹1-2, 2009

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹1, 2010

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹2-3, 2010

Author rules
