Natural resistance of prykarpattya inter-breed ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed cows
A. Y. Lyubinskiy, V. V. Fedorovych, E. I. Fedorovych, I. Z. Siratskiy
The results of the studies of natural resistance characteristics of different selection groups of Prykarpattya inter-breed Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed cows are presented in this article. It is set that evaluated groups of animals were characterized by high level defensive function of the organism and adaptation to modern technological conditions, as well as had good possibilities for the further efficient breeding. Positive correlation factors of natural resistance were set with yield and contents of fat in milk. The complex estimation of defensive function organism cortex on morphological, biochemical factor shelters and natural resistance shown that beside animal with share of heredity Holstein 75-87,5 % factor resistance were above in comparison with 1/2- and 5/8-blood. Beside cortex of the miscellaneous line high factor had cows of line Rigela and Kevelie - 58 balls, but low - a lines of the Astronaut 53 ballets.
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