Morpho-physiological and immunological characteristics of different pheno-classes of western interbreed type cows of black-and-white dairy breed
M. S. Berdychevsky, M. I. Kuziv, N. M. Kuziv, I. V. Novak
The parameters of variability of morpho-physiological and immunological indices conjugated with certain pheno-classes (M-, M+, M0) of western interbreed type black-and-white breed animals are presented in this article. It is shown that the abovementioned pheno-classes are formed in correspondence with population genetic laws within the accurate frameworks of variability of physiological (first calving age, service and between-calving period), immunological (bactericidal, lysocyme and complementary activities) and economic useful (yield of milk, obtaining milk fat and body parts survey) characteristic features. Is was established that in different exterior type animals the accurate tendency is observed, that in the conditions of Ukrainian western region agro ecosystems the M+ pheno-class animals excel in different indices their analogues of M- pheno-class, and M0 animals take intermediate place.
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