Cellular immunity of piglings in the conditions of colienterotoõemia
Ì. Ratskiy
The indices of T- and Â-cellular organism immunity are resulted in conditionally healthy and sick with enterotoõemia piglets. It is set that in blood of piglets sick with enterotoõemia comparing to the mentioned indices in blood of conditionally healthy animals functional activity of lymphocytes decreases and the amount of Ò-general and teofilin-rezistant lymphocytes and also Â-lymphocytes decreases. This information deserves attention in connection with the characteristic features of metabolic processes, which pass in the organism of piglets weined from the sow, which is accompanied by stress factors and development of infectious processes in their organism which results in diminishing RBTL, the cellular mechanisms of defense in the organism of sick piglings decreases at the decline of them in an organism conditionally healthy animals.
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