Institute of animal biology UAAS ÃîëîâíàÊîíòàêòíà ³íôîðìàö³ÿ
in Ukrainian

Morphometric muscles longest parameters and some internal organs of ukrainian bull-calves black-and-white dairy breed

I. V. Novak, À. À. Zaitsev

Study internal organs and muscles 6-, 12- and 15-month bull-calves of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed. It is set that most of muscular and cardiac fibres, kidney glomerulis, kernels of hepatocytes, and area of road clearance of teeth ridges in 1 mm2 observed in 6-monthly bull-calves. With age of animals these indexes diminished, and a diameter of afore-named morphons is increased. A high-reliable difference (Ð<0,05-0,001) is set between the investigated indexes in all cases (except for an amount and diameter of kidney glomerulis between 12 - and by 15-monthly animals, where it is not marked after this index of substantial difference). The coefficients of variation of amount of fibres of myocardium and skeletal muscles from 6- to 12-monthly age of bull-calves increased, and in future, to 15-diminished. Changeability of amount of kernels of hepatocytes, opposite, to 12-monthly age of animals diminished, and in future - increased. Cv of diameter of glomerulis of buds, kernels of hepatocytes and area.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
¹ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
¹ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
¹ 1-2, 2008

Animal biology Tom 11,
¹ 1-2, 2009

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 1, 2010

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 2-3, 2010

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Secientific-technical bulletin

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 10, ¹1-2, 2009

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹1, 2010

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹2-3, 2010

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