Selection-genet estimation of prycarpattis to phylum such as ukrainian is red-speckled of lactic breed after polymorphic systemalbumens of blood
А. I. Lyubinskiy
The results of genetic estimation of красно- of pied suckling cattle of Prycarpattis to phylum such as Ukrainian is red-speckled of lactic breed are expounded in the cut of Specific gravityheredity on a Holstein breed, origins of in-use bulls, to linear belonging to on polymorphic the systems of transferrin, amylase and hepatocuprein. It is set that the most substantial changes were observed at growth of heredity of red-pied Holstein from 50,0 to 62,5 %, and subsequent changes to 75,0 and 87,5 % provide relative stability of genetic structure of herd. For cows from the bulls of the Ukrainian origin the indexes of genetic structure had an intermediate value as compared to by animals from the producers of the Canadian and German selection, that conditioned by genetic features and direction a selection with the plant-breedings groups of red-speckled cattle adopted higher. For the cows of lines of Kevelie, found out Khanovera more substantial changes of indexes of genetic structure.
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