Institute of animal biology UAAS ÃîëîâíàÊîíòàêòíà ³íôîðìàö³ÿ
in Ukrainian

Glycoprotein content and activity of aminotransferases in blood of heifers under conditions feeding of "soy milk"

O. P. Dolaychuk, R. S. Fedoruk

The content of glycoproteins and their individual carbohydrates components, the activity of aminotransferases in blood of heifers under the introduction to the diet "soy milk" was investigated. Two groups of 2 months age repair heifers were formed for the investigation. Animals of the first (control) group were kept on a basic diet with feeding of whole milk after scheme adopted by the farm. Heifers of the second (research) group except for whole milk receives "soy milk" in an quantity equal to the skim milk after a food value, that was withdrawn from a ration. The investigation showed that feeding "soy milk" had no significant influence on the content of glycoproteins in animal blood that may indicate a normal physiological status of heifers. Also it is shown that under conditions of feeding "soy milk" heifers activity of aminotransferases in blood serum animals research group has not changed significantly compared with the control group of animals.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
¹ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
¹ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
¹ 1-2, 2008

Animal biology Tom 11,
¹ 1-2, 2009

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 1, 2010

Animal biology Tom 12,
¹ 2-3, 2010

Author rules

Secientific-technical bulletin

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 10, ¹1-2, 2009

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹1, 2010

Scientific and technical bulletin Tom 11, ¹2-3, 2010

Author rules
