Metabolic profile of blood of laying hens under different vitamin d3 level in ration
V. Yu. Gudyma, V. G. Janovich
Data about content of glucose, triacylglicerols, cholesterol, lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzymes activity in blood of laying hens under 1250, 2500 and 3750 IU/kg vitamin D3 level in ration are presented in article. It was established, that as decreasing so as increasing vitamin D3 level in ration of laying hens was leading to significant increase of content of glucose and decrease content triacylglicerols and cholesterol in their blood. Vitamin D3 level in ration was not sagnificantly influenced on antioxidant enzymes activity and its increasing level caused decreasing lipid peroxidation products content in blood of laying hens.
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