Influence of superoxide dismutase and L-arginine on the kidneys at acute experimental pancreatitis
K. A. Posokhova, O. Z. Yaremchuk
It was studied the influence of recombinant superoxide dismutase and precursor of nitric oxide L-arginine on the prooxidant/antioxidant system, activity of electrons' mitochondrial pathways, nitrite anion level, aminotransferases activity, indexes of endogenous intoxication, and serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha level in case of mono and combine administration of above mentioned drugs at different stages of acute experimental pancreatitis (1st ,2nd, 7th days). It was showed that recombinant superoxide dismutase has a positive influence on kidneys function, on the coutrary L-arginine increases the degree of the injury. Combine applying of recombinant superoxide dismutase and L-arginine attenuated negative influence of the nitric oxide precursor. Diminishing of free radical reactions and renewing of electrons' mitochondrial pathways with synchronous decreasing of nitric oxide stabile metabolite in kidneys' tissue were observed VS the group where L-arginine was used alone.
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