R. S. Fedoruk, I. I. Kovalchuk, A. R. Havranyak
Generalized there are these literatures in relation to immunity of bees and them natural rezistentnist' to the diseases. Dependence of firmness of organism of bees is marked against the exciter of infectious disease, both separately every individual and whole bee monogynopaedium. Substantial influence of external and internal mechanisms of defence of organism of bees is rotined. The analysis of innate and purchased immunity of bees is conducted. The features of circulation of blood and composition of hemolymph of melliferous bees are described. The basic aspects of gumoral'nikh and cellular factors of immunity of bees are described. It is marked the necessity of study of factors of specific and heterospecific firmness of bee monogynopaediums to the infectious diseases.
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