Influence of carotenecontaining yeast biomass and b-carotene on the microfloras composition and immune status of rats
M. V. Kaminska, G. I. Nechay, N. I. Cepko, H. V. Kolisnyk
The data about the influence of carotene containing yeasts Phaffia rhodozyma biomass and synthetic b-carotene on rats colons cavities microfloras composition and phagocytosis indexes at the standard conditions and at the oxidative stress, which was modelled by tetrachlormetan are presented in this article. The adding to the rats ration 0,5 mg carotene containing yeasts biomass on a head per a day improved quantitative and qualitive composition of intestines microcenosis: the E. coli' strains ration was changed positive and the coccus forms amount was diminished. The yeasts biomasses application stabilized microfloras composition and brought it over to the norm at the oxidative stress. The b-carotene application did not prevent violation at intestines microcenosis. The phagocytosis indexes did not change the control and experimental groups of rats at the modelled stress.
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