Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd content in the organs and tissues of carp at different selenium content in the water.
A. V. Merva, V. H. Yanovych
Mineral elements content in the hydrobionites tissues depends on biological characteristics of certain species, their morphological and functional characteristics on one side and their concentration in the water from the other side.
In contrast to the land animals hydrobionites live in water, where the salts concentration reaces 310 mg/l in the sweet water and 38000 mg/l in the sea-water. Thus, the larger content of mineral elements is concentrated in the muscles of bony fishes than in cartilaginous. Salt content is always higher in sea-fishes than in sweet water fishes.
The highest level among the bony fishes was revealed in the muscles of some flounder species (approximately 17 %), the lowest - in herring (up to 7 %). The highest level of microelements among sweet water fishes was revealed in the muscles of carps and white-fishes.
Assimilation of the separate elemets by fishes and their accumulation in the fishes tissues depends also on their interaction - competitive or specofic relations.
Because of this it is important to investigate mineral content of different carp organs tissues mineral content at different selenium content in the water.
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