Institute of animal biology UAAS ГоловнаКонтактна інформація
in Ukrainian

Ifluence of heparin on the level of cellular prion in tissues and organs of rats

Ch. Ya. Mayor

It was developed the inhibiting influence of heparin on the level of cellular prion in tissues and organs of peripheral prion replication system. Appliance of heparin in concentration 300 mg/kg*day leads to decrease of di- and monoglycosylated form of cellular prion level in tested organs and tissues, in particular - in spleen, skeletal muscles and in thin intestine. Geparin in doses 1 and 50 mg/kg*day causes only tendancy to decrease a level of cellular prion in tested tissues and organs. It was shown, that high concentrations of heparin possess most effective antiprion activity but have negative influence on the haemostasis system that leads to the increase of risk of haemorrhagic states development which limits the efficiency of high concentrations of heparin for decrease of cellular prion level.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
№ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
№ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
№ 1-2, 2008

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