Institute of animal biology UAAS ГоловнаКонтактна інформація
in Ukrainian

Functional state of kidneys and liver of goats with sharp mercurialism

I. Maksymovych, V. Vlizlo

The sharp mercurialism of goats causes oppressing, diminishing of appetite, hyperthermia, tachycardia, tachypnea and reduction of amount of ruminant periods.

The receipt of mercury in the organism of goats causes violation of excretory and filtration ability of kidneys, that is displayed in growth of concentration of urea and creatinine in blood serum. At the sharp poisoning of goats by mercury, the concentration of bilirubin and activity of enzymes (AST, GGT) in blood increases and this is a sign of liver affecftion.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
№ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
№ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
№ 1-2, 2008

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