Institute of animal biology UAAS ГоловнаКонтактна інформація
in Ukrainian

Comparative analysis of hypertonic cryohemolysis erythrocytes of different species of animals at varying of osmotic and temperature environment conditions

S. S. Yershov, N.V. Orlova, N. M. Shpakova

The comparative analysis of hypertonic cryohemolysis of mammal erythrocytes (bull, horse and dog) has been conducted at the change of osmotic and temperature conditions of environment. The distinguishing features of hypertonic cryohemolysis development of bovine erythrocytes have been discovered which has been determined by the structure and composition peculiarities of bovine erythrocyte membranes.

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Animal biology

Animal biology Tom 8,
№ 1-2, 2006

Animal biology Tom 9,
№ 1-2, 2007

Animal biology Tom 10,
№ 1-2, 2008

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